
July 11, 2023

Securing Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery Environments (CI/CD)

The widespread move to the cloud has increased the number of new attack vectors for cybercriminals to exploit, with many gaining access through gaps in permissions security.

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July 5, 2023

DDoS Attacks

Cybercriminals constantly innovate, adapt, and evolve. According to Microsoft report, In 2022, distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) attackers continued to refine their techniques while increasing the sophistication of their operations.

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July 5, 2023

Email Threats

For most organizations, email is an essential part of daily business operations. Unfortunately, email remains a top threat vector. According to Microsoft recent cybersecurity report, 35% of ransomware incidents in 2022 involved the use of email.

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June 30, 2023

Securing the Cloud Environment

Many organizations struggle to gain end-to-end visibility across their cloud ecosystem, especially as data increasingly resides in multiple cloud and hybrid environments.

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June 28, 2023

Internet of Things (IoT) Threats

According to Microsoft recent cybersecurity report, IoT is often a black box for organizations in terms of visibility, and many lack proper IoT security measures.

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February 22, 2021

Business Email Cyberattack

Business Email Comprise (BEC) attempts now regularly seek to exploit the confusion and improvisation that surround many organizations’ response to the pandemic.

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February 22, 2021


Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files and folders, preventing access to important files. Ransomware attempts to extort money from victims by asking for money, usually in form of cryptocurrencies, in exchange for the decryption key.

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February 22, 2021

Healthcare and medical research organizations under Cyberattack

Microsoft reports its vast network of threat intelligence sources, identified several dozens of hospitals with vulnerable gateway and VPN appliances in their infrastructure.

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